We rely on the expertise and capabilities of our national and international partners in order to contribute to the realization of our programmatic goals. Partners are institutes, universities, NGOs, SMEs and (multi-national) enterprises.
For the implementation of the programmes UNSDI-NCO’s partners are:
- Wageningen Environmental Research (WUR)
- Cardano Development
- Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC, University of Twente)
- Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University
- GeoBusiness Nederland
- GeoCat
- Geodan
- Geonovum
- Geoserve
- HCP International
- IDI Snowmobile BV
- Institute for Environmental Security (IES)
- ISRIC World Soil Information
- Kadaster International
- Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR)
- Netherlands Court of Audit
- Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL)
- Netherlands Space Office
- P. Geerders Consultancy
- Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
- SarVision
- Tropenbos International (TBI)